Monday, April 6, 2009

On mission together

It's been a while since any of us have posted on here... Probably because we are so busy loving each other in real life that we don't have the desire to sit in front of a computer. 

We are doing well as an apartment. Realizing that we are more than just roomates, that we are partners together on a mission, has united us tremendously. For instance, yesterday we had a community barbecue. We invited our neighbors, but only the highschoolers came. But hey, we still had fun and met some cool new kids. Anyways, through the planning, purchasing, cooking and cleaning, we grew a little closer.

But the barbecue is not the mission that we were on together. We are constantly on a mission to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to bear in our neighbors lives. It's the only thing that is worthy of our lives. And it is worthy. We are so excited to devote our lives to this!

In His grace, 
